Saturday, March 19, 2016

The Blank Page

So this morning I wanted to pen down something, anything! But then my mind just felt blank. I opened the new post page and it was blank, staring back at me, waiting for me to write something. Then it hit me! Each day is a blank page. I will decide what I want to do with that day. Okay, no, the Lord will decide what that day will be like. 

You see so many times we think we can determine what our day will be like. Only God knows what the future holds, the next day, next hour, next minute, next second. 

All we have to do is seek His wisdom and ask Him for guidance regarding that next step. 

When the day is over, it is truly over. You can never re-live that day. Isn't it amazing how each day is a miracle in itself, yet we hardly notice a new dawn? There are people today who will not see tomorrow yet they probably thought they will be here for another 100 years. 

My greatest desire therefore is to be able to recognise a miracle when I see one, including each new dawn. 


Saturday, March 5, 2016

Juggle the Balls!

It's been a minute since I last wrote.

But I'm here. Time has come and time has gone.

I've often sat back and wondered; how do I juggle all these balls.

See all the balls are important, dropping one means severe consequences. But how do I keep all of them in the air?

It brings a sense of loss of control, hopelessness and a space to just step back and let God be. Take it all to the Lord in Prayer, I often sang as young girl. Those words seem more meaningful of late, now that I'm learning how to juggle the balls.

Blessed weekend!


Monday, July 22, 2013

It Is 22nd July 2013!!

It is almost one and half years since I wrote anything on this blog! And in that time, I feel like I have lived out 100 years worth of events in anyone's life.

I am recollecting, gathering and packaging my thoughts and hoping to write soon, capturing events of that one and half years.

Today is a special day though. A day I remember the loss of my dear dad. It is 13 years today! 13 years of seeing God's faithfulness, living by faith and enjoying a day as it comes.

So watch this space. I shall be back with tonnes of stories.
